A helicopter flying above trees with a white sky in the background

If you're craving an unforgettable adventure come aboard to experience an exhilarating helicopter tour around the Resort and witness the magic of Sun Peaks from a unique vantage point during this 12-minute flight.

Bookings are recommended 24 hours before your flight time. Walk-ins are subject to availability. 

To book call the Activities Sales Desk at 250.578.5542 or visit us at the Village Day Lodge.

2024-25 Scenic helicopter tours
DatesDecember 20 to 23, 2024
December 27 to 31, 2024
Times9:00am to 2:40pm, offered every 20 minutes
Age/RateAdult (12+): $185
Child (3-11): $120
Details12-minute flight tours taking off from Hole 18 on the Golf Course
Minimum of 3 passengers
Maximum of 5 passengers

Applicable taxes will be added to all prices. Rates are in Canadian dollars. Dates and prices may be subject to change without notice. Some restrictions may apply. Noise PPE provided. Tours are weather dependent.

Summit Helicopters Logo
