Welcome Travel Professionals! Here you'll find general information on Sun Peaks; including agent training presentations, sample itineraries and other tools to assist you in selling Sun Peaks to your clients. If you have any questions or require any specific correspondence please let us know - we are here to help.

Sun Peaks 'Sneak Peeks' Quarterly Trade Newsletter

Stay in touch with relevant, market specific, and timely hot topics like; What's New, Insider Tips, Agent Training Presentations and Webinar sign up info, along with some cool behind-the-scenes videos and personal messages from our Market Development team. By reading this newsletter you will quickly become an expert on our little piece of mountain paradise.

Sun Peaks Sneak Peeks Issue 25 night concert background

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Agent education centre

Winter TrainingSummer Agent TrainingAccommodation


Summer ItineraryBike Itinerary Ski Through VillageWildflower Trainkk

Brochures & Flat sheets


Summer Flat SheetWinter Flat Sheet


Tippie Family VideoSummer Home VideowinterFind your lineFamily

Contact the Market Development Team

Colin Brost
Senior Director, Destination & Market Development
Tourism Sun Peaks

Emily MacInnes
Manager, Market Development
Tourism Sun Peaks
