Top of the World
Elevation: 2,080m
Water has always been an important environmental focus in resort management. Numerous policies have been instituted, followed and upgraded to protect water resources, conserve water use, and ensure the quality of wastewater treatment. The Sun Peaks community is a leader in the efficient use and conservation of water.
Sun Peaks was one of the first communities in British Columbia to install universal water metering. All buildings in the resort are metered, with fees charged for both water use and wastewater production. Water metering allows the utility company to analyze consumption patterns for evidence of excessive water use or leakage. A water conservation consultant implements ongoing conservation measures.
The Sun Peaks water utility company does not use water from McGillivray Creek (which runs through the Sun Peaks valley). This maximizes the amount of water available to downstream surface water users.
Most water used on the golf course is sourced from drainage systems servicing subdivisions around the resort and is stored in ponds on the seventh, tenth, and thirteenth holes. Course irrigation filters out silt and other contaminants through the turf’s thatch and root system, protecting the water quality in local waterways. When water supplies are less abundant, techniques such as spot watering, hand watering, syringing, and sacrificing low priority areas of the course are used.
The Sun Peaks wastewater treatment plant was constructed in 1999 and is continually being upgraded and expanded as the resort grows. In future, technology enhancements will allow effluent to be used for operations like snowmaking and golf course irrigation. The quality of the system’s output is consistently better than provincial requirements.
At Sun Peaks, effluent, groundwater, and creek water quality is tested and monitored.
Erosion is a natural process accelerated by human land use. Improved land use practices like the construction of water bars and the seeding of mixed grasses on all runs minimizes run off into local waterways. Erosion control is a significant aspect of Sun Peaks Resort’s ISO 14001 Environmental Management System.
If you have any suggestions on how we can be better stewards of this mountain resort environment please contact us.